Pynarello (photo Melle Meivogel)


Sun 2 Jun 2024 20:15 - 21:55
Sun 2 Jun 2024
20:15 - 21:55


Pjotr Tsjaikovsky Symphony No. 6 'Pathétique'
Julian Schneemann The Moving Staircase
with text from Thomas Beijer 


Maartje van de Wetering performer

Tchaikovsky’s tragic symphony and new music by Julian Schneemann

Tchaikovsky’s emotionally charged final symphony is shrouded in the mystery of his death just one week after it premiered. Is this autobiographical music, did Tchaikovsky commit suicide, and if so, was that because of his homosexuality? No one knows. This mysterious history is the starting point for a journey of discovery through the Pathétique Symphony, with the largest Pynarello ensemble to date.

Actress Maartje van de Wetering performs a text by polymath Thomas, a maverick’s exploration of the enigmas surrounding Tchaikovsky’s final years. Julian Schneemann composes a new work, The Moving Staircase, especially for Pynarello. This rebel club, a ‘next generation’ with the greatest talents of the moment, plays without a conductor and plays almost everything from memory. 

Loni Verweij in NRC (May 23):
'It is ensemble Pynarello's greatest adventure yet: playing Tchaikovsky's 'Sixth Symphony' by heart. With actress Maartje van de Wetering as narrator, it became a performance that feels like a book you don't want to put down'. Pynarello's Tchaikovsky programme with storytelling is a hit.

Please note: This programme has been changed with respect to the previous announcement. Ticketholders have been notified of this.

Programme booklet (Dutch)