Sonic Safari: Visual sounds (8+)
Sun 9 Feb 202514:30 - 15:30Grote Zaal
Concert in the Grote Zaal: Kijkgeluiden (Visual Sounds) by the duo Perforator and narrator Sahand Sahebdivani. A botanical garden of electronic inventions and sounds.
Followed by: Sonic Safari Treasure Hunt throughout the building. Discover crazy sounds ánd musicians in all kinds of secret places throughout the Muziekgebouw. Dance to electronic music, tinker with technology, meet real musicians and hear how the building itself can make music. What is your favourite sound?
Marlies van Gangelen oboe
Akim Moiseenkov electronics
Sahand Sahebdivani narrator
Students of the Sweelinck Academie of the Amsterdam Conservatory (treasure hunt)
Misha Aulman violin
Odilie Celano cello
Can Tezel guitar