Dudok Quartet Amsterdam (photo Photo Green Room Creatives - Yuri Andries)

Selected by / Dudok Quartet Amsterdam

El Turk and Beethoven
Sat 3 Feb 2024 17:00
Sat 3 Feb 2024
17:00 - 17:50


Bushra El-Turk String quartet (wereldpremière)
Ludwig van Beethoven String quartet nr. 10 op. 74 ‘Harpkwartet’


Dudok Quartet Amsterdam:
Judith van Driel violin
Marleen Wester violin
Marie-Louise de Jong viola
David Faber cello

Harp and contemporary

In 1809, Beethoven wrote three important works: the Fifth Piano Concerto, the Piano Sonata “Les adieux”, and his Tenth String Quartet. All these compositions – coincidence or not – are in the same key, E-flat major. The quartet is nicknamed the “Harp Quartet” because of the ample amount of pizzicato in the first movement. The techniques used by Bushra El-Turk in her contemporary idiom will be demonstrated by the members of the Dudok Quartet Amsterdam at the world premiere of this brand-new composition.

The Selected by series offers great works – side by side, opposite each other; connected or contrasting. In an hour, you can hear the string quartet in its full breadth: all times, styles, sounds, and colors.