Calefax (photo Merlijn Doomernik)

Calefax’ cabinet of curiosities

Fri 9 Feb 2024 20:15 - 21:55
Fri 9 Feb 2024
20:15 - 21:55


Camille Saint-Saëns Parts from The Carnival of the Animals
Arvo Pärt Parts from Pari intervallo
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber Parts from Sonata representativa
Sander Germanus Le tourne-disque antique
and other compositions


Oliver Boekhoorn oboe
Bart de Kater clarinet
Raaf Hekkema saxophone
Jelte Althuis bass clarinet
Alban Wesly bassoon

Jette Vogel design

Forgotten instruments and beastly antics

Hidden away in the upper room of house Calefax is a fantabulous Wonder Room, filled with the most desirable and rare objects. There, the peculiar is welcomed and you can travel without leaving the hall. Embark on a musical adventure with the unique imagination of Biber’s Sonata representativa and movements from Saint-Saëns’ famous Carnival of the Animals.

Calefax continues to expand its eccentric collection of instruments. From the characteristic sound of the zampogna (the Sicilian bagpipe) to the melancholic wistfulness of the duduk. Take a leap into the unknown with the contrabass clarinet and float away on the sounds of five portable organ cabinets.