Collegium Vocale Gent (photo Eric de Mildt)

Madrigals in Arcadia

Collegium Vocale Gent + lecture by Jan Van den Bossche
Sun 19 May 2024 20:15 - 21:30
Sun 19 May 2024
20:15 - 21:30
  • Sun 19 May 2024
    20:15 - 21:30
    Excl. drankje
    Grote Zaal


19:00 / Lecture early music by Jan Van den Bossche (in Dutch)

20:15 / Main programme
Salomone Rossi Sinfonia a 5
Giovanni Gastoldi Concerto de Pastori

Salomone Rossi Sinfonia grave a5
Salomone Rossi Udite, lagrimosi spirti
Luca Marenzio Stillo l'anima in Pianto
Salomone Rossi Sinfonia quinta
Claudio Monteverdi Ah, dolente partita

Salomone Rossi Gagliarda a5 detta Narciso
Salomone Rossi Corrente Seconda
Salomone Rossi Brando primo
Sigismondo d'India Dialogo della Rosa
Salomone Rossi Sinfonia Undecima (Echo)
Luca Marenzio Deh Tirsi mio gentil
Claudio Monteverdi Dolcemente dormiva
Luca Marenzio Al lume delle stelle

Salomone Rossi Sinfonia Seconda
Giaches de Wert Tirsi morir volea
Salomone Rossi Tirsi mio, caro Tirsi
Luca Marenzio Nel dolce seno
Luca Marenzio/Giovanni Bassano Tirsi morir volea (arr. Peter Philips)

Claudio Monteverdi Tirsi e Clori


Collegium Vocale Gent
Philippe Herreweghe conductor

New heavenly tale about two lovers

Collegium Vocale Gent and conductor Philippe Herreweghe unlock the gates to Arcadia, a pagan Garden of Eden where shepherds and shepherdesses surrender to nature, song, and love. In an original way, Herreweghe and his singers merge songs by Monteverdi and his contemporaries into a dramatic story about the lovers Tirsi and Clori, alternated with instrumental intermezzos. A story through powerful themes of longing, closeness, separation, death and reunion, culminating in a dazzling dance suite.

Collegium Vocale Gent and founder Philippe Herreweghe are internationally renowned for their work in the field of historical performance practice, specifically their performance of Bach cantatas and early Italian music by composers such as Claudio Monteverdi and Carlo Gesualdo. Through its many performances and recordings, the ensemble has established itself as an expert in this repertoire and as masters in weaving spellbinding atmospheres. Rest assured, these seasoned voices wield the power to conjure the essence of 400-year-old madrigals, echoing them anew in our modern world.

19:00 / Lecture Early Music by Jan Van den Bossche (in Dutch)
Madrigals, madrigalists, and madrigalism
This lecture delves into the history, rise and fall of the Italian madrigal. With its perfect marriage between polyphony and poetry, between balanced form and great eloquence, the madrigal is the undisputed zenith of Renaissance music. It was the most popular, secular genre in the 16th and early 17th centuries.

It was not only performed by Italians; composers from above the Alps, such as Di Lasso and Willaert, also wrote numerous madrigals that are now considered among the best in the genre. And even the German early Baroque composer Heinrich Schütz embarked on a musical odyssey, culminating in a masterpiece - a collection of Italian madrigals. With Claudio Monteverdi, the madrigal reached its highest point. With his last, masterful madrigals, he introduced a new sound and ushered in a new era.