Kaija Saariaho (photo Maarit Kytöharju)

Saariaho Festival

Wonderful music of dream-like quality / March 2025

In the summer of 2023, Kaija Saariaho passed away at the age of seventy. She was at the height of her fame and was celebrated as the composer who gave modernism a face that was both human and fairy-tale like. The Muziekgebouw pays tribute to her with the Saariaho Festival. A unique opportunity to get to know this ‘other-worldly music of a dreamlike quality’ (NRC). The festival will feature everything from Saariaho’s earliest spectral works to her last solo concerto. Meanwhile, the fringe programme offers a comprehensive look at her life and work.

Kaija Saariaho made a name for herself with electroacoustic works such as Lichtbogen (1986), and rose to greatness with the violin concerto Graal théâtre (1994) and the opera L’Amour de loin (2000). Since that time, she is known as the woman who knows how to touch the hearts of many with very modern musical techniques. The four-day Saariaho Festival, co-curated by Saariaho’s daughter and her publisher, is the best crash course to fall in love with her work.

Order with discount
Until 1 October, benefit from Early Booking Discounts of up to 35% when you order tickets for multiple concerts. The more concerts, the more discount!

  • Opening concert Saariaho Festival

    Asko|Schönberg, Verneri Pohjola + Joseph Puglia
    Thu 13 Mar 2025 20:15

    Kaija Saariaho’s swan song

    Grote Zaal
  • Terra Memoria

    Fri 14 Mar 2025 20:15

    Saariaho’s love of strings
    Saariaho, Haydn

    Grote Zaal
  • Saariaho’s chamber music

    Het Collectief
    Sat 15 Mar 2025 15:00

    Saariaho in her most elemental form

    Grote Zaal
  • Reconnaissance

    Helsinki Chamber Choir
    Sat 15 Mar 2025 20:15

    Saariaho’s sound world in voices

    Grote Zaal
  • Kaija Saariaho and Anssi Karttunen

    Sun 16 Mar 2025 20:15

    A special friendship and Japanese fascination
    Mendonça, Saariaho, Yokoyama

    Grote Zaal