Calefax - Streetwise (photo Sarah Wijzenbeek)


Sun 12 May 2024 15:00 - 16:30
Sun 12 May 2024
15:00 - 16:30
  • Sun 12 May 2024
    15:00 - 16:30
    Interval 15:30
    Grote Zaal


Georg Philipp Telemann Oboe concert
Jacob van Eyck Der Fluyten Lust-hof
Moondog New Amsterdam
George Gershwin An American in Paris
Joe Jackson Loisaida
Celia Swart new work (world premiere)
And other works


Oliver Boekhoorn oboe
Bart de Kater clarinet
Raaf Hekkema saxophone
Jelte Althuis bass clarinet
Alban Wesly bassoon

Bold programme brimming with joie de vivre

A versatile, bold programme that is brimming with joie de vivre. With music of all times that was born on the streets or is inspired by street life. Using a soundscape and loose presentation, Calefax creates an atmosphere in which all musical windows open to the world. During Streetwise, music by blind street musicians such as Jacob van Eyck and Moondog will be played alongside vibrant, musical descriptions of urban life by George Gershwin and Joe Jackson. 

‘Streetwise’ also means ‘self-made’, which is why the spotlight is also on Georg Philipp Telemann, the German Baroque composer whose mother made him study law, but whose love for music was so great that he chose a career in composing. Telemann breathed music: he was more productive than Bach and Handel together and was more popular in his time than his famous contemporaries.

For this program, Calefax is working with choreographer Sanne van der Put for a staged interpretation of An American in Paris.

Concert and guided tour
Prior to this concert, you can join a guided tour of the Muziekgebouw (Dutch spoken), which starts at 10:45. The ticket for the guided tour costs €10.

Streetwise Calefax (photo Sarah Wijzenbeek)
Streetwise Calefax (photo Sarah Wijzenbeek)