
Orkest De Ereprijs + Elisabeth Hetherington
Thu 28 Nov 2024 20:15 - 21:20
Thu 28 Nov 2024
20:15 - 21:20
  • Thu 28 Nov 2024
    20:15 - 21:20
    Grote Zaal


19.15 / Foyerdeck 1 / Pre-concert talk

20.15 / Grote Zaal / Hoofdprogramma
Andys Skordis “tattar...rattat”


Orkest De Ereprijs
Gregory Charette conductor
Elisabeth Hetherington soprano
Evan Buttar viola da gamba

An infectious combination of light, sound, space, music and movement

Music as a ritual. But with a deeper meaning. That is what Cypriot composer Andys Skordis, who lives in the Netherlands, presents with “tattar...rattat”, written especially for Orkest De Ereprijs and soprano Elisabeth Hetherington. This palindrome symbolises the way in which Skordis connects the Baroque vocal form ‘air de cour’ with contemporary music in an infectious total experience of light, sound, space, music and movement.

Dutch-Canadian soprano Elisabeth is a musical all-rounder who is equally at home in early music and the complexities of contemporary scores. Not surprisingly, she won the Dutch Classical Talent Award in 2020. Together with the always colourful orchestra Orkest De Ereprijs, chief conductor Gregory Charette and gamba wizard Evan Buttar, she guides the audience on a musical journey, weaving between past and present like a true shaman.