Steve Reich (photo Jake Blakesberg)

City Life

Thu 18 Apr 2024 20:15 - 21:45
Thu 18 Apr 2024
20:15 - 21:45
  • Thu 18 Apr 2024
    20:15 - 21:45
    Interval 21:00
    Grote Zaal


19:15 / Foyerdeck 1 / Pre-concert talk
Pre-concert talk by Frederike Berntsen

20:15 / Grote Zaal / Main programme
Steve Reich Double Sextet
Tansy Davies Canopies of Liquid Light (world premiere)* 
Steve Reich City Life

* commissioned by Asko|Schönberg

22:00 / Entreehal / post concert Echoes of Nothing
Sean Haid countertenor
Pieter Bogaert piano


Clark Rundell conductor

Het kloppende hart van een metropool

Steve Reich’s work has a pulse that lends itself ideally to translating the atmosphere of a metropolis into music. For City Life, he hit the streets to record the sounds of New York. Conversations, car horns and car alarms, a pile driver, slamming doors, as well as the beating of a heart. Played on samplers, they form the foundation of Reich’s ode to the city. He conjures up New York, in its unflappable vastness and its hecticness.

Pulse is also the foundation for Double Sextet, originally written for an ensemble playing against a recording of themselves. The rhythms of the two parts interlock in fast and slow dances. British composer Tansy Davies was commissioned by Asko|Schönberg to write Canopies of Liquid Light, in which she gives musical form to connections between the netherworld and the invisible forces of the cosmos. People's interconnectedness with their environment is one of the themes in Davies' work.

After the concert:

Echoes of Nothing
Monthly fringe programme in collaboration with Conservatorium van Amsterdam 

Inspired by the quote ‘Every something is an echo of nothing’ by composer John Cage, three students from the Conservatorium van Amsterdam (Dániel Bolba, Lisa Schreiber and Sean Haid) are curating their own concert series. The mini concerts reflect on concerts from the programming in the Grand Hall and offer a new perspective on the concert experience.

Programme booklet (Dutch)